Member-only story
She Lived for Me.
I have heard it said —
She lived for me.
That she gave her best years,
Spent her golden days in my name,
And asked for nothing in return.
I have heard it said.
That she dreamed for me,
Kept the night awake with her prayers,
Surrendered her sleep to my tomorrows.
I have heard it said.
That she never set aside “extra” time for me,
Because every moment she had
Already belonged to me.
This, I have come to know.
Yet, I could never truly understand it.
Because not once did she let me see
A shadow of her burden,
Not once did she let her lips
Whisper a sigh of sacrifice.
And in the end,
I knew her too late.
Too much had been missed,
Too many moments slipped away.
One day, I asked —
“What do you need?”
She smiled and said,
“Your happiness.”
To this day,
She remains the most beautiful soul
I have ever known.
“Mother” —
The most sacred word I have ever heard.