Setup | React JS

Niluka Sripali Monnankulama
2 min readSep 23, 2021

First, we will see how we should set up our computer to develop a React JS Application.

The initial step is to set up the environment in which we develop the web application in our computer. Then only we’re able to program accordingly.

Initial step (install Node.js)

You must have Node.js installed on your computer. Because the application is developed and run through the NodeJS runtime.

We also get the Node Package Manager (NPM) with NodeJS, which is used to install the packages/dependencies needed for our project

You can download Node JS from the website

There it shows the required installers according to our operating system, there are two versions. One is the long-term support version (LTS) and the current version 16.10.0

If you want to know more about LTS and its future releases, you can go to this link:, There you can get an idea about the NodeJS versions and choose the best version to use for your production environment.

For the development of this ReactJS, you can choose any of the two options

You can check whether it is installed successfully, and try below command in your terminal/ CMD

node --version

And for NPM version

npm --version

Then it will show the installed version.

These are the two basic things we need to know to create a ReactJS application.


IDE / Code editor

Now let’s see the other things we need to set up in order to develop React JS Application.

Let us now see what other factors we need to prepare to develop the Reaction JS application.

We need an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to code the application.

Here I use the Visual Studio Code IDE (VS Code)

It has a lot of extensions. You can use them to speed up development if those support the language you use and other integrations.

Okay, our basic setup is Done,

Next we will see how we can create simple ReactJS project…



Niluka Sripali Monnankulama

An IT professional with over 7+ years of experience. Member of the WSO2 Identity & Access Management Team.